Guide for Authors

Page Setup:

Margins: top: 0.8 inch, bottom; 0.8 inch, left: 0.8 inch, right: 0.8 inch

Paper: portrait, A4 size.

Header/Footer: 0.4 inch each.

Title of the article: Bookman Old Style, font size 16 bold.

Author(s) Name: Times new roman, font size 11.

Affiliation and address: Times new roman, font size 9.

Abstract: Times new roman, font size 12.

Keywords: Times new roman, Font size 11.

Text (Introduction, Literature review, Modelling, Methods, Results and discussions, Acknowledgement, References etc.) Times new roman, single column, single spaced, font size 12.

Authors Photographs: Jpg or GIF format.

Tables: Times new roman, font size 11.

File format: MS word.

File name: 2-6 words as the title of your article, avoid AUJST.


For new submissions, our formatting requirements are simple—just make sure your paper has the following items:

Continuous line numbers

Double-spaced lines

A title page and abstract in the main document

A main document in a doc, docx, tex (converted to PDF for review) or rtf file type

Tables in a Word document (we cannot accept Excel files, unless they are supplementary files)

Figure and table legends in the main document

All coauthors entered into the online review system (email addresses required)

Please note there are more formatting guidelines for revised versions, as those are closer to being accepted (see the Revised Versions section of these author instructions).

References listed in Vancouver style

Figures and tables at the end of the main document after the references, or uploaded as separate files. Figure legends should be included at the end of the

main text after the references, and table legends should be next to their corresponding tables

Text is single-column

Types of Articles: 

 ASWUMJ editorial board is considering for publication the following:

•  Original Articles

Should report relevant original research not published before, in the following format:

Word limit: 3000 words (excluding the abstract, tables or references).

Abstract: structured up to 200 words to include Background, Objectives, Methodology, Results and Conclusions.

References: 30 or less.

Tables and figures: not more than 7 Tables and 7 Figures

. Short Reports (case reports)

 Should describe a case or a number of cases presenting with an unusual clinical aspect of a disease or novel perspectives upon, or solutions to, clinically relevant issues in the following format:

 Word limit: 1000 words (excluding the abstract, tables and references).

Abstract: unstructured of no more than 150 words.

 References: 12 or less

Tables and figures: no more than 2 Tables and 2 Figures

• review Articles

Review topics should be related to all fields of clinical and basic medical sciences

and should reflect trends and progress or a synthesis of data in the following format:

Word limit: 3500 words (excluding the abstract, tables and references).

References: 40 or less.

Abstract: Up to 150 words, unstructured.

Tables/Figures: Data in the text should not be repeated extensively in tables or figures

• Systematic review or meta-analysis

•  Topics should be related to all fields of clinical and basic medical sciences. The manuscript must include 5 sections following the PRISMA guidelines (PRISMA Checklist: 202009l20checklist.doc and PRISMA flow diagram: 202009.20 flow/20diagram.doc) and should reflect trends and progress or synthesis of data in the following format:

•   Word limit: 4000 words (excluding the abstract and references).

•   References: 50 or less.

•   Abstract: Up to 200 words, unstructured.

Tables/Figures: Data in the text should not be repeated extensively in tables or figures.

•   Mini-review article

Review topics should be related to clinical or basic aspects and should reflect trends and

progress or synthesis of data in the following format:

Word limit: 2000 words (excluding the abstract and references).

References: 20 or less.

Abstract: Up to 150 words, unstructured.

Tables/Figures: Data in the text should not be repeated extensively in tables or figures.

. Editorials 

Editorials are solicited by the editorial board members or those who are invited by Editor-in-Chief in the following format:

Word limit: 1200 words.

Tables/Figures: A maximum of 1 figure or table.

References: 10 or less.

Ensure that there is a clear message in the conclusion

. Correspondence

Comments by readers about articles that have been published in Aswan University

Journal within 6 months of its online posting in the following format:

Word limit: 700 words.

Tables/Figures: typically, not included (A maximum of 1 figure or table).

References: 5 or less

. Letter to the Editor 

These should be submitted in response to recently published articles in the journal addressing a specific issue and to introduce a focused scientific opinion or point of view, in the following format:

Word limit: 500 words.


Tables/Figures: A maximum of 1 figure or 1 table.

References: 10 or less.

No subheadings. 

Begin with ‘Dear Editor’ 

. Continuous Medical Education Forum (For EB):

This type of article is restricted to The Journal Editorial Board (EB). The

CME Forum from EB will be presented as a case presentation or clinical

vignettes scenario quiz.

. Reply to CME (For readers)

These should be submitted in response to recently published CME article in the journal addressing the reader’s response to the case presentation or clinical vignettes scenario quiz/each issue, in the following format:

Word limit: 700 words.

Tables/Figures: typically not included (A maximum of 1 figure or table).

References: 5 or less.