Outcome of laparoscopy in blunt abdominal trauma

Document Type : Original Article


General surgery department, faculty of medicine, Aswan University


Background: Among cases who have had poly trauma, abdominal trauma is an avoidable cause of mortality. This trial aimed to compare, assess and manage abdominal trauma by using two different surgical techniques laparoscopy and laparotomy; to compare the safety and effectiveness of laparotomy versus laparoscopy on blunt abdominal trauma (BAT).
Methods: This prospective comparative trial was performed on 120 patients clinically diagnosed with abdominal trauma, aged 5–70 years, patients with BAT. Patients were allocated equally into two Groups: (Group A): 60 cases underwent laparoscopic surgical procedure for abdominal trauma. (Group B): 60 cases underwent laparotomy surgical procedure for abdominal trauma. All cases were subjected to general examination, preoperative scoring system, Injury severity score (ISS), laboratory investigations, radio graphic investigations, and trauma data.
Results: There is a highly significant variation between both groups regarding pre-operative Injury severity score operative time, post-operative days in ICU, hospital stay, time to pass gas, post-operative complications and mortality.
Conclusions: As a reliable and safe diagnostic and therapeutic method for abdominal injuries, capable of decreasing the incidence of laparotomy and linked with decreased morbidity and mortality, laparoscopy has been identified as a viable substitute for laparotomy.


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